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The Petite Country bouquet
  • The Petite Country bouquet


    Our petite country  gift bouquet includes only our own seasonally organically grown flowers, foliage and fillers (+- 30 stems). We choose what is in flower on the particular day of ordering, so flowers have no transit time from wholesalers (or goodness forbid - international travel).

    The bouquet is gift wrapped in brown/ tissue paper, hand tied and gift tag is included should you wish to include one.




    Delivered Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri in Greyton / Genadendal only. (Click on local pick up at checkout)

    Deliveries in Caledon on Mon- Fri (Click on local pick up in checkout)

    Deliveries in Hermanus on THURSDAYS (Click on collection at SELAH Cafe or delivery to your door)

    Or for local pick-up at the farm.


    Price Options
    One-time purchase
    Petite Subscription
    Subscribe and save 10%
    R315,00every month for 3 months


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